Talk – Colin Wren ‘An African Adventure’

Lecture Theatre, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

'An African Adventure' Speaker: Colin Wren A trip around the Drakensberg & Cape Town in December 2022 and including a visit to Mauritius and Reunion islands. Highlighting some flora and fauna from the tour, including architecture and stories. Colin trained at RHS Wisley and RBG Edinburgh, with experience working in private and public gardens for […]

Festive Floristry Workshop

McHattie Room, Saughton Park, Edinburgh

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULLY BOOKED Join us for this fun floristry workshop in the McHattie Room at Saughton Park. Julie will guide you through making a fabulous floral arrangement with a festive feel.   All materials are included in the cost and tea & coffee will be provided (perhaps even a mince pie or […]

Christmas Evening

Lecture Theatre, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

We hope as many of you as possible will be able to attend our Christmas get together. It is a great time to catch up with folk you haven't seen for a while or even to meet them for the first time! Stan will be presenting a slideshow of some of our shows from the […]

Talk – Scotia Seeds – CANCELLED

Lecture Theatre, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

SORRY - THIS TALK HAS BEEN CANCELLED This season our talks will take place in-person only as we do not have the facility to live-stream them.  Where possible, we will record the talks and the recording will be made available on the members' page of the website as soon after the talk as possible. The […]

The Edible Garden – Planning

McHattie Room, Saughton Park, Edinburgh

The 2nd of 6 workshops aimed at guiding you through the growing of edibles.  This workshop looks at planning your edible garden.  The importance of growing the right crop in the right place; how to determine your soil type; how much space do you need. We will be indoors for the bulk of this class, […]

Beginners Basket Making Workshop

McHattie Room, Saughton Park, Edinburgh

WAITLIST ONLY This workshop has proven to be extremely popular.  If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please let us know. Sunday 4th February 2024, 10am - 5pm McHattie Room, Saughton Park. Join us for this full day workshop in the McHattie Room at Saughton Park. This workshop will be taught by […]

Talk – ‘Tea Growing in Scotland’

Lecture Theatre, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs of growing Camellia sinensis var sinensis (tea) at 57 degrees N. Lat. Speakers: Kate Elliott and Susie Walker-Munro Kate and Susie will cover the complexities of growing tea in Scotland. They are two of a group of nine women who came together to form Tea Gardens of Scotland - their company […]

The Edible Garden – All about seeds

McHattie Room, Saughton Park, Edinburgh

As it says in the title, this workshop is all about seeds - collecting seeds, storing seeds and propagating different seeds. We will be indoors for the bulk of this class, in the McHattie Room at Saughton Park. The class will run from 10am - 12noon. Cost of this workshop is: Members £25.00 Non-members £30.00 […]