About us
The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society (The Caley) is Scotland’s national horticultural and gardening society. Members include both amateur and professional, generalists, specialists and many others who simply like gardens and gardening. We aim to encourage and improve the science, art and practice of all types of horticulture and to advance education in gardening and horticulture for everyone.
The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society was established in 1809 by a group of seventeen Edinburgh worthies who met at the Royal College of Physicians. The outcome was the establishment of a Society for the ‘encouragement and improvement of the best fruit, the most choice flowers and most useful culinary vegetables’. Since the beginning, the Society has welcomed skilled professionals, amateurs, nurserymen and professional gardeners. In the early days, as it is now, the activities of the Society were focused on a mix of the theoretical and the practical sides of gardening and horticulture; medals and certificates were awarded and shows were held.
Structure overview
The policy and management of the Society is directed by a Council and is currently supported by an Honorary Treasurer, a part time Administrator and a Development Officer who manages our Grow & Learn project. The Council is made up of a President, Vice Presidents and elected members.
The Society issues prestigious awards, medals and certificates of merit in recognition of the achievements of professional horticulturalists, nurserymen, gardeners and amateur gardeners.
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