Cacti & Succulent Display

Cacti & Succulent Display - pop into the McHattie Room to see a display of lovely plants.  Entry is free.  If you would like to enter a plant into the display, you can find out how here. If there is sufficient interest in this activity, we will run a proper show next time around.

Day Trip – Dundee Botanic Garden & Hospitalfield House

The Caley is planning a day trip to gardens in Dundee & Arbroath. First stop will Dundee Botanic Garden where we will be shown round by the Curator, Kevin Frediani, then on to Hospitalfield House where will will be escorted by Head Gardener Kate Robinson. Coach travel from Edinburgh and Fife is being arranged and […]

Propagation Workshop

Saughton Park, Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Part of our August Saughton Sunday. This will be a herbaceous perennial propagation workshop with a focus on Bearded Iris.  Colin Ainsworth will lead the workshop.  Although the workshop is free, bookings must be made to reserve your space. The workshop will start at 10.30am. To book, contact

Floristry Workshop

Saughton Park, Edinburgh

THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULLY BOOKED. This workshop is part of our August Saughton Sunday. Julie will lead this workshop.  She will give you hints and tips on how to create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet - perfect for giving as a gift or simply to arrange flowers in your own home. The cost of this […]

Allotment Open Day

Bridgend Allotments Edinburgh Old Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh

Caley Autumn Show

McHattie Room, Saughton Park, Edinburgh

The purpose of this show is to celebrate the many different plants in flower at this time of year. There are no prizes or trophies, just the satisfaction of being able to bring a splash of colour and a smile to the face. For information on the different classes that you can enter, please download […]

Caley Apple Day

Our annual Caley Apple Day is back again.  This years event will take place in the McHattie Room at Saughton Park.  We will have a fabulous display of apples from all over Scotland along with an apple tasting. Bring along any apples that you would like to have identified - we will do our best […]

Caley Winter Lecture – Kevin Frediani

"University of Dundee Botanic Garden - a 50-year curatorial legacy" The University of Dundee Botanic Garden comes of age on 23rd October 2022. The garden at 50 years of age, has matured to become a much-loved local community asset, while its ecologically informed living collections provide a highly valued amenity to the surrounding landscape. A […]

Caley Winter Lecture – Val Libby

"Across the Pond: Gardening Trends in Maine" Please note: this will be an online talk as our speaker is based in the USA. Maine is the most forested state in the USA and has the fastest warming body of ocean water; yet organic gardening and farming are expanding rapidly, especially in coastal areas with a […]

Caley Winter Lecture – Dr Julie Graham

Soft Fruit Breeding and its impact for Scotland The soft fruit industry is a substantial asset in Scotland, producing high quality berries. The industry however faces many challenges in competing with low-cost imports, in increasing productivity, and growing well under a low input, carbon neutral regime, and all in the light of the changing climate. […]