George’s thoughts are turning to spring

 In Bulb growing, Spring Show

The Caledonian Gardener has just arrived in the post and inside there are some stunning images of the bulb display at the Spring Show. And George’s thoughts are turning to the show in late March even although we are still in the depths of winter. Keep an eye on the blog over the coming weeks to pick up some hints and tips.

I have just taken my bulb pots out of the plunge where they have been since they were planted back in October.
They have all been cleaned off ( the layer of peat used in the plunge) has been carefully removed the pots have been brushed clean and given a thorough soaking.

Bulbs emerge from the plunge

They look a bit pale and uninteresting at the moment but they will soon start to free up with their exposure to the winter sunlight. I will start feeding with a weak liquid fertiliser in about 10 days time.

Bulbs emerge from the plunge(2)

Meanwhile the Caley bulbs are still snugly tucked up in their plunge bed at the Botanics Nursery and will not be released until Saturday 7th February.

I will keep you posted re progress here in Joppa

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