The Caledonian Gardener is the Society’s annual journal. It is full of interesting articles on horticulture and gardening from around Scotland. Members receive the journal early in the year. Follow the link below to see a summary copy of an earlier edition.
A monthly e-newsletter gives short updates on Society events to all members who have subscribed. If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, contact the Caley Administrator at We would urge all members to sign up for the e-newsletter – it is the quickest way for us to keep you up-to-date about The Caley.
The Annual Report, prepared for the Annual General Meeting in March each year, is the official record of the Society’s affairs, finances and activities. This report is sent to all members electronically so it is important we have an up-to-date email address for you.
The Caledonian Gardener

2022 copy of The Caledonian Gardener

2021 copy of The Caledonian Gardener

2020 copy of The Caledonian Gardener
Caley members can view the most recent copies of our publications along with a copy of the Scottish Gardeners Forum newsletter in the Members Area of our website (login required).
Annual Reports

Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2022
Submit content request
We’re always keen to learn from our fellow gardeners and horticulturalists, both amateur and professional alike. If you would like to submit an article or topic of interest for consideration for any of our publications please do so using the form below.