Saughton Park

Saughton Park and The Caley

The Caley worked in partnership with The City of Edinburgh Council and the Friends of Saughton Park to secure Heritage Lottery funding to restore the park. The Caley now has a permanent office base within the park, with active teaching and demonstration gardens. Caley volunteers also maintain a number of specific areas within the park including the very popular Winter Border demonstrates how to have colour in your garden all year round

The Caley has built a large working greenhouse and potting shed allowing us to run workshops all year round.

The Caley’s aspiration to have a demonstration garden is not new. Since 1809 the focus of the Society has been to share knowledge and skills.  We have a very clear aim: to inspire, encourage and improve the science, art and practice of horticulture in all its branches and to advance education in gardening and horticulture for the public benefit of Scotland.

Park Hours:

From 2nd September

Open: 9am
Close: 6pm

The Four Square Park Cafe will close at 4pm, as will the Courtyard and the toilets.



History of the Park

Saughton Park has a long and interesting history and much of that history has had links with The Caley.  In the 1980’s, The Caley had a very active relationship with the park, having made a significant contribution to the refurbishment of the Winter Garden, and had a small office and store there. We continued to hold many events on site including plants sales, something well remembered and missed by many local residents. But the link goes back even further;  John McHattie, superintendent of Edinburgh Parks, who was responsible for transforming the park after the Scottish National Exhibition in 1908, is a past president of the Society.  By 1911, Saughton Park was nationally recognised as one of the finest public parks in Scotland.

McHattie was a very active member of The Caley and was awarded the Patrick Neill Medal in 1912.  (This is the oldest of our awards and is presented to a notable Scottish botanist or cultivator.) He became Caley President in 1923 but sadly died later that same year. His legacy to Edinburgh and its parks is still very much in evidence.

 The Winter Border in January




Garrya eliptica


Cornus alba sibirica


Saughton Sundays

We have a programme of activities and shows at Saughton Park. Usually held on the first or second Sunday of every month,  a mix of talks, practical demonstrations, workshops, shows, plant sales and gardening activities.

We also hold special events throughout the year.


Check out the ‘What’s On’ page of the website for details of what is happening.

Volunteer Gardening at Saughton Park

Members of The Caley currently have regular volunteer gardening sessions on Monday and Friday mornings at Saughton Park.

We are also hoping to extend non-gardening volunteer opportunities at Saughton as we extend our range of activities.


email: for more information

Caley Teaching Garden

You will find the Caley Teaching Garden and working glasshouse in the Courtyard area of the park.

Both the Teaching Garden and the glasshouse are used for a variety of workshops and classes.

Plus we now have a regular volunteer busy propagating in the glasshouse – so keep an eye out for plenty of plant sales.


Caley Demonstration Garden

Designed to give you ideas for your own space, it features a multitude of different planting ideas.  We have raised beds and more traditional borders, alpine plants, herbaceous perennials, fruits & vegetables and so much more.

The large central bed is divided into 4 distinct areas. Two of these were designed Caley Honorary Vice President, Jasmin Cann.  This area also includes The Resourceful Garden: designed and built by Kristyna Barko a student member in 2022. This garden has been so popular with visitors that we decided to leave it in place, although as plants mature changes will be made. It is a good example of what can be accomplished in a small space.

Other elements include a small alpine garden, a crevice garden, and seasonal vegetable planting.  In 2024 Caley volunteers created a Potager Garden to celebrate 2oo years of a being awarded a Royal Charter.  So keep an eye on this space to see what happens in 2025.

We encourage you to come along to the Saughton to see our Demonstration Garden – we hope it will inspire you to grow in whatever space you have available to you. The Demonstration Garden, like all of the other Caley areas within the park, are looked after by our fantastic volunteers.  If you would like to get involved, please contact

Caley Winter Border

This is a fantastic area within the park. The driving force behind this project was garden designer and Caley Honorary Vice President, Jasmin Cann.  She took a dark and boring area that was filled with conifers and designed a border that is beautiful all year round but really comes into its own in the winter.

Filled with plants to give winter interest to your garden; with flowers, fruits and bark colours you are sure to find something that you would like to grow in your own garden.

Designed as a border you can walk through, you can totally surround yourself with plants and get up close to see them at their best.

Four Square Park Cafe

Our very close neighbours, the Four Square Park Cafe, sits partly within our Demonstration Garden.  The cafe opened in October 2023 and offers a welcoming, cosy atmosphere and delicious, reasonably priced food.

The cafe generates vital income helping Four Square to fund their services that support people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless here in Edinburgh.

To find out more, please visit their website

Take a virtual walk around the park with us.

A walk in the park.

The herbaceous borders in Autumn

The Caley at Saughton