Updates from George on his own pots and the Caley workshop pots.

 In Bulb growing, Spring Show

The sunshine over the past few days has seen a significant change in the colour of the bulb foliage. The daffs and hyacinths leaves are colouring up and there is even some colour showing in some of the Hyacinth flower spikes. It is still early yet and so they will all remain in the Cool glasshouse for the time being.9 February

The Caley bulbs were lifted at the weekend. The pots were carefully cleaned of all excess compost so that the surface of the compost is about 15mm below the top of the pot. I have not watered them yet and will wait until they have dried out a little before I start watering and feeding.

Caley bulbs1
The Tulips and Daffs look OK but the Hyacinth pot is not so happy. There are only two bulbs doing their stuff, the other one is a failure I fear. Hyacinth1So the pot is no good for showing as a pot but there should be two blooms for the cut flower section.

The temperatures in the glasshouse have varied from -0.5 to + 28c. I am using candle power to keep the glasshouse frost free but more of that anon.

Keep your bulbs in the sun this week to green up and perhaps start watering on Thursday.


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