A dull day on the Allotment

 In Allotment

A dull day but quite mild and no wind.

Finally made a start on putting in the posts for the dead hedge and new placing of the posts for the loganberry. This time round we are using metal post holders – so much easier than trying to hammer tall posts into the ground.

We are aiming to use the willow prunings from last week to weave into a windbreak for the Tayberry and bramble using the existing posts as the terminals. The willow will not touch the ground otherwise it will start to root and grow, and use the moisture and nutrients in the soil. A trial run today gave us a good idea of how to turn an idea into a practical job!

With no frost the green manure is still growing away but time to get it dug in so one bed was finished and another started.

No photos this week – holes in ground not very interesting.

Jobs for next week

Continue with post holes
continue with willow windbreak
Continue with digging in green manure
See you on Thursday

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  • lizard100

    We made a woven windbreaker with raspberry canes and bramble trimmings too.

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