Lovely bright day, frosty but the plot thawed throughout the morning. Birdsong lent an early Spring-like feel to the day and a sense of preparation for the growing season. We […]
Allotment Tales 30-01-2025: A bright but nippy day Much of Thursday’s work was focused on repairing damage from last week’s Storm Eowyn. Compared to the devastation wreaked across Northern [...]
A mild December morning – perfect for final tasks before wrapping up for the Festive season. We replanted and netted garlic dug up by some pesky creature and harvested the […]
Chankin again today! Despite the bright skies, today’s heavy frost was not for moving. On average, we all had 5 layers on. We’re getting well acquainted with the resident robin […]
Baltic! What a difference a week makes! Last week, the rainbow chard glowed in the autumnal sunshine. Today, it looked very sorry for itself, flopped over and colourless after 3 […]
Before the cold weather set in we had 2 weeks of lovely autumnal sunshine at Bridgend, where the focus has been on tidying and maintenance tasks. Enviromesh has been manoeuvred over […]
A breezy, bright day that kept the midges away – lovely to work with the sun on our backs. Today, there was lots of activity in a quieter corner of […]
It was a fine, calm day after Storm Ashley’s visit, the previous weekend. The first job was to mend the netting around the sprouts and cabbages, also to gather the […]
A gentle autumnal day, the sun on our backs as we continued winding down the allotment for Winter. We weeded inside the fruit cage and amongst the leeks, took […]