Thursday was a bit breezy with – dare we say it – an autumnal edge. Have we officially been cheated out of summer, or do we optimistically hold on for […]
Thursday started off better than forecast but by 1pm miserable squally showers started sweeping across Bridgend – giving us just enough time for a swift picking of blueberries and sweetpeas […]
Thursday was overcast, but mild – and no wind! A day of plant and plot maintenance. We grasped the thistle and thinned the apple trees (Discovery and James Grieve). This […]
At last – T-shirt weather has arrived (at least for the day!). Alas! The slugs have eaten yet another crop of juicy young bean plants. Optimistically we planted yet another […]
With the threat of sun on several occasions, a main excitement was strimming the communal verges as opposed to last week’s shenanigans with spades and shears. Threading the strimmer quickly […]
Thursday saw another day of weeding and harvesting. With no wind or rain it positively balmy (as long as you had a fleece on!) We focused on the paths […]
A very mild, overcast day on the plot, everything appears to be progressing well. There has been very little rain in the last week, consequently the ground was very dry […]
Thursday saw blustery day at the Allotment with temperatures taking a dip and the wind factor making it feel more like March than approaching mid-summers day! Lots of things are […]
Thursday saw another mild day on the Allotment with a wee wind blowing and a bit of a haar in the air. The warmer weather is again encouraging growth in […]
Thursday was a very warm and pleasant day at the Allotment. The apple blossom is looking particularly lovely and the warmer weather has given everything a growth spurt, including the […]