A grand turn out at the Allotment
Yesterday saw a grand turn-out at the allotment so we made a lot of progress with the weeding in the fruit cage and round by the hazels.
All the veg beds had a hoe; a quick way to kill off the weeds and they soon die off and rot down in the sunshine. The autumn raspberries are starting to colour up so time to get them netted. The birds used to leave them alone but not any more.
The shaws of most of the potatoes are dying down so they were cut off to a few centimetres of stalk and we’ll leave the potatoes in the ground for a couple of weeks to let the skins harden.
The grass paths set off the whole plot but they do need a lot of maintenance and today we finished cutting back all the edges to keep the grass from getting into the raised beds.
The rest of the time was spent in picking the fruit and veg. As ever, we have a wonderful crop of redcurrants but still picking raspberries as well. The cabbages are now ready and a good number of dwarf French beans, runner beans and broad beans were picked. The onions were lifted and hung up to dry off in the sunshine.
Don’t forget our Open Day Sunday 24 August 2.30-4pm. George Anderson will be doing a workshop on summer pruning of fruit.
Jobs for next week
- Watering
- Put in new stake for loganberries, wire up, tie up new growth
- Weeding round hazels and north edge
- Turn the compost heap
See you on Thursday