Allotment update week ending 23 November

 In Allotment, Biochar trial
Digging in the green manure

Digging in the green manure

The ground was good for digging today so the last of the green manures were dug in and the soil is looking friable and in really good heart.

More progress was made with the new posts for the loganberry and the dead hedge.

After the trial run of last week we made a proper start on creating a windbreak at the back of the soft fruit using the willow prunings and being creative with the in-filling.

Knotting the Willow

Knotting the Willow


The knot used to tie the stems to the posts is a Japanese knot used for bamboo fencing. The aim is to reduce the strength of the winds and to stand up to the winter gales so the stems are not closely packed together. The hope is that they will filter the wind and not be blown down so we shall wait and see what happens but in the meanwhile it is looking both good and useful.




We continue to harvest the Japanese vegetables and today produced an almost perfect daikon. It is time to to crop the gobo – a much better idea to grow these in pipes rather than delving deep down into the ground to dig these out.


Harvesting the Daikon

Gobo being harvested from inside a length of pipe

Gobo being harvested from inside a length of pipe










Jobs for next week
Hopefully finish the new posts for the loganberry and dead hedge
Continue with the willow windbreaks

See you on Thursday

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