Finishing off the fruit pruning on the allotment

 In Allotment

Last Thursday the team finished the fruit pruning. They took some redcurrant cuttings for growing as cordons and had a bonfire to dispose of the waste.

The best of the new growth of the autumn raspberries were moved to their new spot and the old plants dug up. The posts for the new Tayberry and bramble were wired up. The old strawberry plants were taken out being four years old now and runners taken from them over the past two years are making the new bed.

The pak choi has done very well over the winter with no protection apart from the netting so a very hardy veg and a good choice for a winter green.

Pak Choi

Pak Choi

And finally Spring is coming to the allotment with the first of the daffodils out.



Jobs for next weeks

Carry on with the new raised beds
Plant the honeyberries
Start forking over beds


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