First day back at the Allotment and the sun was shining

 In Allotment, Biochar trial

Provided you were well wrapped up, the 22 January was a good day to be out in the fresh air and sunshine,  checking over the state of the allotment.  The ground is frozen solid but there were still jobs to be done, but no photographs since I forgot my camera.

The site  has suffered yet another break-in so the hasp on the shed door needed repaired;
there was no wind,  so it was a chance to  protect the fruit trees and bushes with ‘Winter Wash’, an organic spray which kills off any overwintering pests.  The pigeons are hungry so the netting over the brassicas was checked to make sure we get the cabbages, kale and in a few weeks time, the spring broccoli, not them.  After all the gales, the ties on the fruit trees needed checked for re-doing.

It was too cold to stand still and work on the willow windbreak but perhaps next week for that.

We harvested kale and sprouts and there are still some potatoes left; the leeks are frozen into the ground so couldn’t dig any of these up.

Jobs for next week

Weather permitting …….

Continue with willow windbreak
and with the dead hedge
and the new posts for the loganberry
and a little weeding

See you next Thursday

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