George compares 2017 with 2015.

 In Bulb growing, Spring Show

Saw my first Queen Bumblebee today and also a hoverfly.  But social media from two years ago sent me a photo to remind me how far on my bulbs were in 2015.

25 February 2015

25 February 2015

Already this year the pot of Iris has gone over but the Hyacinths are not as far advanced this year as they were in 2015.

25 February 2017

25 February 2017

So back in 2017 the cold glasshouse bulbs have had a weak feed of high potash just to keep them ticking over.  Meanwhile The Caley bulbs are sitting in the lea of the glasshouse in the shade just to hold them back a little. 25-feb
Spring is starting to surface after the rigours of the winter.
More later

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