It might be sunny for once but there is still work to be done on the allotment.

 In Allotment

A beautifully warm and sunny today. There are always non-urgent tasks to be done so today the compost heap was turned into the empty bin- this will be the compost to be spread on the beds over the winter – and we started the new heap.

The rest of the time was spent in picking raspberriess, peas, broad beans, courgettes, turnips, beetroot, carrots and cabbages and, as always, doing some weeding. We found quite a few holes in the netting over the raspberries so the birds have been enjoying our fruit and finding their way out again which is good for them but not for us. Next week will be more energetic with the early potatoes all needing lifted, dried off and bagged up and the last of the tidying up for the Open Day on the following Sunday.

Looking forward to see you all on Sunday 19th 2-4.30pm – bring your friends!

Other Dates for your Diary
Dalkeith Flower Show – 15 and 16 September at Dalkeith High School campus
FEDAGA show – 15 and 16 September – Edinburgh allotment and gardens show in the Southside Community Centre, Nicolson Street

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  • P

    Dug up my early potatoes today neither of which I have grown before. Colleen (1st early) and Bonnie (2nd Early). Colleen is a good cropper and lovely flavour. I haven’t tried Bonnie yet but the potatoes seem very large for a 2nd early and again a good cropper – perhaps slightly less productive than Colleen.

  • Julia

    Sorry I didn’t get to the allotment open day, hope it went well. Had the first real harvests from my own allotment in the past few weeks, 2nd early potatoes, ‘Charlotte’ (with scab & much smaller than last year) & ‘Mayan Gold’ (perfect no marks/damage), broad beans ‘The Sutton’, runner beans ‘Moonlight’, some good onions (‘Red Baron’, ‘Snowball’ & ‘Sturon’) with my first attempt at stringing them up in the garage & hundreds of shallots (‘Jermor’), raspberries & loganberries, courgettes ‘Best of British’ & beetroot ‘Pablo’. With the recent sun, the sweetcorn is coming along & the celery too, not so the celeriac even with all this rain. With a poor start, nearly everything is catching up fast.

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