Remedial work on the allotment

 In Allotment, Beechgrove Gardens, Biochar trial, Saughton Park

first-rhubarb-leavesToday was mildish and dull but with no wind, the ground not too wet either. Last week the six new posts for the soft fruits, loganberry and Tayberry, were hammered in. A lengthy job and hard work so we are very grateful for the extra help we had.

The major job was taking the large frame to bits. It needed to be moved since it was in the way of the new set of raised beds. We have had it for all the years we have been on the plot but we do not use it and if we need a frame we can use the much smaller square metre one which can be moved as needed. The crowbar was a great asset in the job and as many of the old nails as possible were rescued!

Quite a number of the fruit labels had disappeared over the winter months and all the new fruit needed labels so all are now named ready for the pruning workshop this Sunday.

A spare piece of thick wire was put to good use to create an arch over the grass path between the apples. The cordon apple Grenadier will now be trained over it and we shall enjoy the arch of blossom and apples in the years to come.

The brussel sprouts are now finished so they were taken out and the ground lightly forked over. We still have a good number of winter vegetables: swedes; red cabbage; kale; leeks and Jerusalem artichokes to enjoy and the sprouting broccoli to come next month.

Dates for the Diary – Sunday 26 February
11:00 – 16:00

Jobs for next week
Tidy up the strawberry bed
Finish the pruning

Wire up for soft fruit
Work on new raised beds

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