Results of our hard work are finally rewarded on Allotment

 In Allotment, Beechgrove Gardens, Biochar trial, Gardening Scotland

This is the best time of the year on the allotment as we see the results of all the hard work.  The new fruit planted earlier in the year has settled in and is growing well.

The potatoes are now ready to start digging up but first we cut down the shaws and leave the potatoes for a couple of weeks in the ground to allow the skins to harden. This helps them to keep better. The main crop are just beginning to die down so we shall cut off the shaws next week.

Digging up GarlicThe garlic was harvested and we had a good size of bulb. The variety ‘Provence Wight‘ has done well for us this year.

There is now space for transplanting the last of the winter brassicas: purple sprouting broccoli and kale, variety ‘Pentland Brig‘. These have been waiting in the frame and are now a good size.  We were careful to dig out a good root ball and they were planted again at a greater depth to give them better stability.  They were staked and watered and will grow on well.

We got the compost from the green composting tub which we have been trying again over the last few months. It  is in a sunny sheltered spot and the extra heat certainly speeds up the conversion of the green waste but getting at the compost is awkward.

Every year the leaves of the courgettes succumb to powdery mildew and stop being of use to the plants so we cut them off. We have plenty of fruit off them this year and plenty of new leaves. The squash is not doing so well, probably the weather has been too cold and not enough sun.

The strawberries are just about over so it will soon be time to cut off all the old leaves and the runners and give them a feed. We shall want a few new plants for the next strawberry bed so we’ll pin down a few runners of each variety into pots to root.  Our plants are looking healthy and no signs of any virus so it is fine to do this, otherwise it is better to buy new stock.

And final reminder for our annual Open Day this Sunday 2.30pm-4pm with a workshop on summer pruning of fruit taken by George Anderson

Jobs for next week
Finish the summer pruning
Cut down the main crop potato shaws

Cut off the old strawberry leaves, pot on a few runners and label, feed

Get the hose out if it has been dry

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