Slow progress with George’s bulbs

 In Bulb growing, Spring Show

Bulb blog from George Anderson:

Well the cool weather has certainly stopped any of the bulbs making extravagant advances over the past week. They have started to green up with the weak winter sunshine but have not put on any extension growth.Beginning of February

I have sorted the pots out into groups of Early, Midseason and Late flowering cultivars hence the different look of the pots in the photograph.Beginning of February2

Temperatures in the cold glasshouse have varied between 18C in the sunshine to -2 on cold nights.

This weekend The Caley Bulbs will be removed from the plunge and the real work of preparing for the show will begin in earnest.

Perhaps I will see you on Saturday at the Bulb Day or at the Caley Allotment on Sunday for the Pruning Demo.


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