Still cropping…..

 In Allotment

Very bright and sunny but fresh. It was a shorter stint today on the allotment so the team began with the raised beds. The sides of some of some of them are being pushed out by the weight of the soil so the first step in repair is to clear the earth away from the wooden sides and that showed that some of the planks have rotted so replacements will be needed. We need some extra pegs too so once we have these, the sides can be reset and screwed, not nailed, to the pegs to help hold them in position.Clearing away the soil on the raised beds

The weeds are still germinating so it is still worthwhile keeping going with the hoe to keep them from growing bigger.
There has been quite a frost on the site so almost all of the Japanese vegetables have died back even though they had a covering of fleece, only the Komatsuna and the Daikon are still fine. The first of the Daikon was removed from the tub today and is a fine size. The Soba which was July sown had very attractive pink flowers but needs a longer warm period to produce seeds. If we try it again next year, we would need to sow it earlier. And that was that apart from picking kale, parsley, leeks and digging up some Jerusalem artichokes.Japanese vegtables Daikon and Komatsuna

Next week: Still trying to clear out the shed! Repairing the raised bed; Dig over and level the old asparagus bed.

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