The excitement mounts or does it??

 In Bulb growing, Spring Show, Uncategorized

Monday morning and George made his early morning inspection of the candidates for the Caley Show on Saturday. The pots of Caley workshop bulbs are still hanging in there and later this week I will give them their final staking and then wash and ‘moss up the pots’ to make them look a bit more presentable. 
These Hyacinths have been in full bloom for about three weeks now and it is likely that come Saturday they and their pink and white friends elsewhere in the garden will be past their best. However I have nurtured them thus far so they will go to the show.

The pot of Caley Tulips from the workshop day are holding their buds well and have managed to stay closed up until now .

Elsewhere buds are bursting too early, slugs are munching the petals of prize flowers and there are 40 mph gusts of wind forecast for later.
I told you it was not easy.
It will be better next week.

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