Time to water the pots.

 In Bulb growing, Uncategorized

George has had his pots of Caley workshop bulbs sitting in a sheltered, shaded area for the past ten days. They have not been watered yet, he has cleaned the surplus compost off the top of the pots to allow space for watering and they will receive their first full watering this week.


The pots of Narcissus/Daffodils  are, from left to right, Perdredda, Dalmeny, Bere Ferrer and Euryalas.They will be moved into a warm sunny corner on the south side of the house to speed up their growth.


The pots of Hyacinths and Tulips are,from left to right, China Pink, Kronos, Ancillary and Greigs Happy.
They too will be moved to the south side of the house to catch the sun.


The two pots of The Scamp Challenge have been in the cold glasshouse for the past four weeks and are growing slowly, George will leave them in the glasshouse for the time being so that they can benefit from the extra shelter and warmth.

These are two pots of Narcissus Euryalas. The tall pot on the right is the one that George lifted from his own plunge four weeks ago and has been in the cold glasshouse it has well developed flower buds and so george will move it outside to a shaded area just to hold it back a bit. The other pot with the shorter growth is the Caley pot of Euryalas and is also showing flower buds.

George’s own pots of Hyacinths are well advanced and have been moved to a shaded area of the garden just to slow them down slightly.

More News next week. Just over 5 weeks to go until the Show!!

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