A busy time on the Allotment

 In Allotment, Blog

Peg Lady – it takes a lot of pegs to keep the plum netting in place.

Thursday was a much better day weather-wise, though the heavy shower forecast for 1pm turned up at 11am and had us running for cover – and coffee! We didn’t manage either of the planned jobs but stayed busy taking down the sweet peas (which have been wonderful this year), planting out spring cabbage and pak choi, digging up a row of main crop potatoes, a lot of fruit and runner bean picking, taking the remaining netting off the soft fruit and the plums, and cutting the grass. The potato variety is Sunset, new to us but an amazing return on three shaws – 37 good sized and giant spuds. We also managed to fit in a little weeding and bed preparation for the sowing of green manure.

Planting the spring cabbage. It will be covered with enviromesh

Jobs for next week

  • Sow the green manure
  • Prune the redcurrants and the plum
  • Dig up the next row of potatoes
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