A dull cold day on the Allotment

 In Allotment, Beechgrove Gardens, Biochar trial, Saughton Park

A dull day with a cold easterly wind so we needed to keep busy to keep warm. Despite the chilly weather everything is growing well and the fruit is in full flower. This year there are going to be fruits on the Saskatoon for the first time and there may be a reasonable crop of Victoria plums. The early potatoes are through and are being earthed up to protect the young leaves from any frost. The shallots are now grown enough to need thinned down to three bulbs per plant to give the best size for showing at the autumn flower shows.

Today the heritage varieties of peas brought on at home were planted out, a tall variety ‘Carouby de Mausanne‘ coming in at 1.5m, ‘Eat All‘ and ‘Robinson‘. They were netted against the pigeons.  Managing the netting and getting it into place took longer than the planting.

Green alkanet has a beautifull strong blue flower but it is a spreader and it has spread too much so it had a good attack today before it takes over the comfrey bed. General weeding is now a weekly task and we need to make sure the new fruit plantings are watered if the weather has been dry.  The grass had another cut and the edges were trimmed


Jobs for next week
Dig over the area for the sweetcorn [ beside the strawberries]Turn the compost heap
Weeding and watering
Tie in new growth on soft fruit

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  • nannygrannie

    Wonderful. I’m looking forward to reading your blog. I started my own garden this year and am always looking to learn from others. Happy growing!

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