A lovely day on the Allotment

 In Allotment, Blog, Harvest, Veg Growing


Thursday saw another day of weeding and harvesting. With no wind or rain it positively balmy (as long as you had a fleece on!)

We focused on the paths – removing “good weeds” for the compost bins, and “bad weeds” (couch grass, alkanet and teasel roots) destined for a more sinister fate. We then applied a fresh layer of woodchip.

Apples were thinned to ensure a more productive crop and all fruits were fed with a blood, fish and bone treat. We also thinned the carrots. The variety was have this year is Harlequin.

We also did our bit for the allotment community – we started to cut back the communal path verges around our plot. This was a somewhat torturous activity as blunt shears and a spade did not cut the mustard (let alone the grasses!). Next week we’ll have the strimmer back in action so progress will be quicker.

We forgot to check for flatworms so that will be first on the list for next week.



Today’s Harvest

Sweetheart cabbage (Tantour). Consensus is to fry with onion  garlic and bacon – Yum!

Globe artichokes




Carrots (Harlequin)




Jobs for next week

  • Finish the paths – our own and communal ones
  • Harvest the redcurrants
  • Possibly harvest the onions
  • Final strawberry harvest
  • Thin the beetroot and carrots as necessary
  • Weed
  • Mow the grass
  • Remember to check for flatworm!!!!
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