A Scorcher of a Day on the Allotment

 In Allotment

Thursday on the allotment was a scorcher of a day so out with the hose. When the ground is dry, the best method of watering is to leave the hose running on the ground for a few minutes so the soil is really soaked down to where the roots are. Plants take in water through the roots, not the leaves so a quick spray with a watering can or hose attachment only wets the surface of the soil. If you want to see how moist the soil is after watering, dig down a couple of inches, you may be surprised.

The weeding doesn’t stop and the ground round the hazels and underneath the redcurrants and blackcurrants was cleaned up.

The Japanese vegetables are suited to the kind of heat we have had the past few days so are really beginning to thrive.

Allotment Strawberries (Symphony)The fruit is colouring up rapidly and the raspberries are now ripening so time to get the netting on, otherwise the blackbirds and pheasants will be there before us.

Picking blackcurrants on the allotment

Jobs for next week: Weeding; Watering; Netting the soft fruit.

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