A strong cold wind but dry.

 In Allotment

A strong, cold wind blowing today but it remained dry with a little bit of sun. The winter pruning of the fruit had been left until the workshop to allow people to see what needed done and today we finished the remainder of the bushes. All the fruit was given a lime dressing.

Work continued on repairing the raised beds and the herbs were moved over to the high bed.Moving the herbs to the raised bed

The yellow raspberries were moved to a sunnier site so they should do better there. The last of the Jerusalem artichokes were dug up and in preparation for beginning cultivation, manure was spread on two of the beds. Providing the soil is manageable, we shall now start forking over the beds and double digging the bed for this year’s potatoes.

The first daffodil is now out – very cheering.

The first daffofil on the allotment 2014

Jobs for next week: Riddling the leaf mould and dumped soil; Plant the Saskatoon, apple tree and blackberry; Continue repairs of the raised beds; Start the digging.

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