Week 2 preparing for the new season on the allotment

 In Allotment

A chilly and grey start today (Thursday) but there was plenty of hard work to keep the team warm. But by lunchtime they could feel the warmth of the sun.

The boards on the veg raised beds are beginning to rot so replacing them is now underway. The first one today used thicker treated timber and was given an extra coat of preservative.

The stakes which held the windbreak in the old asparagus bed were dug out and the soil levelled. This area will be used for the apple trees which were used to demonstrate grafting, yellow autumn raspberries, a Saskatoon and another blackberry.

The high raised bed that held strawberries did not do very well, especially in the heat of last summer, probably because it was only watered once a week. So they have decided herbs would do better in the drier, well drained conditions so one of todaus task was preparing for the move.
Winter veg
The sprouts are almost finished but the tops make delicious eating so these were picked today and the sprouts dug up. Some of the leeks are going to seed but most are still OK and we had another picking of the kale.

HazelThe hazel catkins are looking beautiful especially in the sun and if you look very closely you can see the tiny scarlet flowers on the stems.

Dates for your diary

  • Winter fruit pruning workshop Sunday 9 February 10am-12pm
  • Potato Day Sunday 23 February 11am-2pm on the Bridgend allotment site.

Jobs for next week: Replace the boards on another veg bed; Move the herbs; Finish the winter pruning

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