A wet day at the allotment

 In Allotment, Beechgrove Gardens, Biochar trial, Saughton Park, Uncategorized

A miserable morning with light showers interspersed with heavy showers but we carried on!

The main job of the day was digging up the roots of the old raspberry canes. They are supposed to have shallow roots but it is amazing how far down the roots of old canes manage to reach, however a combination of  pick-axe, sharp spade, fork and muscle power got them out and stacked up ready for the next bonfire.

A box of bought-in pak choi was planted out to give us another winter vegetable and a new currant a white currant variety ‘Versailles’ was planted. We tried this currant before but it was in what turned out to be an area where nothing seemed to do so it should do better this time in a proven plot.

We are checking the apples for ripeness each week now and there are always a few ready for picking. All it needs is a gentle turn of the fruit, f it comes away then you have a ripe apple.

The sweet corn is beginning to ripen, the tassels are turning brown but a quick check of the cobs showed they still have a little way to go.


The Mediterranean warmth of the last few days has really benefited the autumn raspberries though they were rather wet today, but they don’t disintegrate too quickly in the rain.

Remember the Dalkeith Show this weekend
Dalkeith Show in Dalkeith High School on Saturday and Sunday 10 and 11 September
Open Saturday 13:00 – 16:30 and Sunday 12:00 – 16:30.
A great show of fruit and veg, dahlias, home baking and crafts and delicious cakes for the teas

Jobs for next week
Cut down the comfrey
Mark out the new raised beds

Have a bonfire if it is dry

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