Caley Awards

The Society issues a number of prestigious awards, medals and certificates of merit in recognition of the achievements of professional horticulturalists, nurserymen, amateur gardeners, students and apprentices.

The awards are open to anyone.  You do not need to be a Caley member to nominate someone for an award or to receive an award.

The award nomination process is now open.  The deadline for nomination is November 22nd 2024.  The awards will be presented in March 2025.

Our Awards

The Scottish Horticultural Medal (SHM):  An award first introduced in 1959 to mark the 150th anniversary of the Society. The award is strictly limited to a maximum of 50 recipients at any one time and is awarded to anyone, anywhere, either professional or amateur, who has made an outstanding contribution to Scottish Horticulture.  For a full list of those who currently hold the Scottish Horticultural Medal, please click here.

The Dr Patrick Neill Memorial Medal: An award to a Scottish botanist or cultivator. This medal is awarded biennially. The medal was established in 1851 by Dr Patrick Neill, one of the Founders and the first Secretary of the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society: he instigated the award of this medal to a distinguished Scottish botanist or cultivator and a bequest to sustain it. To view a list of the holders of this medal, click here.

The Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother Medal in Horticulture: Introduced in 1990 to mark the 90th birthday of the Society’s then Patron, the Queen Mother. The medal is awarded for outstanding service by a non-professional. To view a list of those who have been presented with this medal, click here.

The Dr Andrew Duncan Medal: Introduced in 2003 for distinguished service to horticulture by an educationalist, advisor or administrator. To see the list of those who have been presented with the Dr Andrew Duncan Medal, please click here.

Carter-Patterson Memorial Medal: An award to a high achieving horticulture student or apprentice. To see the list of previous recipients of this award, please click here.

Certificates of Merit: These awards were re-introduced in 2002 and acknowledge a wide range of service to gardening or horticulture.

Student Certificates of Merit: An award that recognises the achievements of students and apprentices of horticulture.

Horticultural Groups Award: an award that recognises the achievements of the many and varied groups working across Scottish horticulture – community groups, friends groups and many more.

Awards Nomination Form

Please complete the form below to submit a nomination for your chosen person or group.  You do not need to be a Caley member to receive an award OR to submit a nomination.

Tips for completing the form:

  • Choose an appropriate award for your chosen person.  A description of each award can be found on this page. Some awards are only for specific groups of people e,g, students or non-professionals.
  • If you are not sure what award to nominate someone for, you can read about our award winners for 2024 at the bottom of this page.  This will let you see what kind of things they were nominated for.
  • Make sure you give all relevant information.  We need contact details for both you AND the person you are nominating.
  • Give as much information as possible about your nominee.  The committee deciding on each award will not know the person as well as you do.  Giving a good description of why you think the nominee is award-worthy will help the committee to reach a decision. The most successful nominations are those which give the most information.
  • Make sure that the nominee has actually done the things that you are nominating them for. Having someone else to support your nomination can help with this.
    Please choose only ONE award
  • About the Nominee

  • Maximum of 250 words. Please give as much information about why you think this person deserves an award as you can. Simply saying 'they work hard' or ' they do a lot' is not enough. Give examples of some of the things they have done that marks them out as award-worthy. The most successful nominations are those which give as much information as possible. REMEMBER: the committee considering the nominations will not know the person as well as you do, so make sure you let them know how special your nominee is.
  • Nominated By

  • To be completed if someone else is supporting your nomination. Maximum of 150 words