Allotment update – Thursday 9 June

 In Allotment, Beechgrove Gardens, Biochar trial, Gardening Scotland

The sun was still shining today though it clouded over at lunchtime. All the fruit and veg have been given quite a boost with the warmth and are growing very well. There has been no rain and the ground is drying out so the hose came out again today and all the fruit and veg were given a good soaking. The fruit was was also given its regular feed of blood fish and bone which we do every six weeks in the growing season.

The grass had another cut and today the butternut squashes were planted out, the leeks bought at Gardening Scotland and the red Swiss chard.

This year we sowed the broad bean Perla for the first time and it is now in flower with a white flower, not the usual black and white flower.

flowers on Perla broad beans

Not everything is fine though. Some of the cauliflowers have succumbed to the cabbage root fly, seen in the lack of growth and the leaves turning purple. When you dig up the plant you can see poor or no roots and  the tiny white larvae.

Jobs for next week
Watering including frame and tubs. Keep the water off the leaves of the courgettes and squashes
Weeding especially the carrots.

Resow where necessary seeds in shed
Check all netting is still secure

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