Apples galore

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Apple identification - CopyApple Day at the Royal Botanic Garden is always fun.  This was the first year for many when we haven’t been joined by Willie Duncan, Scotland’s apple expert.  But we were delighted to continue to benefit from his astonishing range of apples to help with the identification.

The choice for tasting this year included some heritage apples as well as some newer varieties.  As well as one from the President – windfalls of Red Devil after the heavy rain earlier in the week – these caused quite a stir due to the red marking in the flesh.

  • Bloody Ploughman (Scotland) 1883 (Mid-season dessert; Pollination Group 4)
  • Fairie Queen (UK) 1937 (Mid-season dessert) (NB Sally’s favourite of the pick!)
  • Lord Lambourne (UK) 1907 (Mid-season dessert ; Pollination Group 2)
  • King of Pippins (?UK) early 1800s (Dessert or Cooking; Pollination Group 5)
  • Limelight (UK) 1985 (Dessert; Pollination Group 4, reasonably self-fertile)
  • Cutler Grieve (Scotland) 1912 (Dessert; Pollination group 4)
  • Mother (US) 1884 (Mid-season dessert ; Pollination Group 5)
  • Ceeval (Germany) 1930s (Dessert; Pollination Group 2)
  • Delbard  (France) 1956 (Dessert; Pollination Group 3)
  • Red Devil (UK) 1975 (Early dessert; Pollination Group 3, self-fertile)

Thanks to Max Coleman at RBGE, to David Affleck of the Caley, to Nick Edwardson of Tweed Valley Fruit Trees, Graham Stoddart of Cuddybridge Apple Juice, to Liz Stewart of the RHS, and to the Caley support from Sally Heron, Marion Moir, Alison and John Murison and Charlotte Whittle.  It was a good weekend.


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  • Margaret Teale

    My Red Devil has been very scabby, if that is the word- any idea of the cause?

    • pamwhittle

      Apple scab is a fungus. It tends to be a worse problem when the spring and early summer weather is cool and moist – which is often the case in Scotland! Remove any fallen fruit and leaves as well as any infected shoots by pruning, otherwise in spring airborne spores will be released from the infected leaveson the ground. Red Devil is a recommended scab resistant variety so hopefully apart from looking unsightly it wasnt too bad.

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