We are now well in to Spring and the birds are singing here in Edinburgh. I think our lowest temperature this winter has been -5.4 degrees C. The frosts haven’t […]
A beautiful, bright day to celebrate the Spring Equinox. Some of us even removed our woolly bunnets at break time! Weeding continues as ever. The hazel windbreak is (temporarily) free […]
The strong sunshine and mild weather of the past week have made a difference to the growth and performance of the bulbs here in #sunnyjoppa. With two weeks until the […]
The weather seems to have taken a turn for the better. The daytime temperatures are higher and there has been some warm sunshine to make us think that spring has […]
The milder weather of the last week and the increased sunshine has made a difference to the growth of all the pots of bulbs. The pot of Tulips has been […]
Spring has sprung and the days are lengthening and the nights shortening. Already there are Daffodils in full bloom in some of the gardens here in #sunnyjoppa. The growth off […]
With an increase in day length and a couple of days of reasonable sunshine, the pots of Caley Show bulbs have put on some growth. They have not been watered […]
With Valentines Day been and gone and the pots of Caley bulbs lifted and cleaned up, it is time to start the process of preparing for the Caley Spring Bulb […]
Lovely bright day, frosty but the plot thawed throughout the morning. Birdsong lent an early Spring-like feel to the day and a sense of preparation for the growing season. We […]
Allotment Tales 30-01-2025: A bright but nippy day Much of Thursday’s work was focused on repairing damage from last week’s Storm Eowyn. Compared to the devastation wreaked across Northern [...]