Back on the Allotment.
After a good planning meeting last week over coffee, the weather did not permit much today, too windy for our New Year bonfire and too chilly and damp for us to do much. However, we spent some time tidying up the netting, clearing the yellowing leaves from the brassicas and were cheered to see new growth on the chard. The leaf buds are out on the honeyberries but fortunately the other fruit is still dormant, as it should be. The first daffodil is in flower and the snowdrops are out.
We had a picking of leeks and Brussel sprouts and dug up some Jerusalem artichokes. The kalettes are almost ready for picking but the purple sprouting broccoli shows no signs yet of flowering.
Fruit pruning workshop this Sunday 2pm-3.30pm at the allotment taken by George Anderson. Please don’t confuse this with the Saughton Sunday event at Saughton Park (also happening this Sunday). We hope to avoid this clash of dates for future events. You can find full details of Saughton Sunday events, and all of our other events and activities, on The Caley website:
- New growth on the Rhubarb
- Jerusalem artichokes
- The allotment in winter
Jobs for next week
- Finish the winter pruning
- Plant the new raspberry canes