Fishbox Planter workshop

 In Blog, Workshops

At our last Saughton Sunday event at Saughton Park on the 6th of March, Stan da Prato gave a workshop on how to convert a boring old polystyrene fishbox into an attractive alpine planter.  Stan lead the group through all of the steps needed to complete this project although this wasn’t one we completed in class.

Introduction to alpine planting

Since, the box has to be painted, we decided it was too time consuming and a bit too messy to do indoors.  Everyone did get a box to take home to complete. One keen participant has already completed her planter and we think it looks great , so well done Deborah.

Preparing the box

Planting time

The finished article

We think that this type of planter looks good when you take the time to paint it properly and it has the added advantage of being much lighter than a stone planter. Useful if you like to move things around in your garden.

Deborah’s planter

Thanks for a great workshop Stan.

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