How are your Paperwhites?

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Every year a few Caley members have a friendly competition to see who can get their Paperwhites in flower for the first meeting in December.

George is sure there are many folks with Paperwhites much farther on than his,

George’s Paperwhites (Sunday 17th November)

Pam’s pot is definitely further ahead and very likely to be past its peak on December 3rd.

Pam’s pot of Paperwhites

Other people may have had bulbs that have already flowered their hearts out and others just coming into flower.

However George is hoping his will be ready for judging on  December 3rd.  He brought them inside about a week ago and placed them next to the south facing window, raised up on upturned pots so that they do not get ‘drawn’ and end up too tall and spindly. He says the flower buds are now presenting well and almost level with the foliage.  But as George says, “only time will tell”.

How do yours look?

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