Just two weeks

 In Blog, Bulb growing, George Anderson

The strong sunshine and mild weather of the past week have made a difference to the growth and performance of the bulbs here in #sunnyjoppa.  With two weeks until the show the task now is to keep the opened blooms unscathed, free from slugs and snails and to keep an eye on the forecast for any strong winds that often as not cause damage to the flowers. I may move some of my pots into a shaded spot on the east of the house just to hold them back a bit. All the pots have been staked and watering and feeding will continue. It is important to keep u the watering when the bulbs start to flower.

The pot of Tulips is slowly developing and I will leave it in the shade for another week. Then depending on its growth I may put it into the glasshouse for a couple of days just to get the flower buds more developed. The hyacinths meantime are still a bit scruffy and I have noticed that even when they have been sitting in the shade, some of the flowers are showing signs of weather damage.

The pots of Scamp Challenge are well into flower.  These newly opened blooms will easily last for the next two weeks if I keep them well watered and move them out of direct sunlight.

The pots of Halloon and Ballroom Queen have a good showing a number of unopened buds so my strategy here will be to move them into the cold glasshouse where the shelter and extra warmth will encourage them to come into full flower.

Most of the flowers on the pot of Teal have fully opened so I will move it to the shade along with the pot of Precocious where the first of the buds have opened and others are at the goose neck stage. By next week I suspect that all the buds on Precocious will have opened.


The forecast for the coming week looked slightly mixed with days of sunshine and others when it is dull and damp. I suspect there will be a lot of pot movement to help keep flowers in the best condition for the show.

We are on the final laps now so please please take care when moving your pots not to drop any, break flower stems.

Soon be Showtime!!!!

Stay safe

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