Last Allotment Blog of 2020

 In Allotment, Blog

This is the last Allotment blog of the year before we take a winter break. Even at this time of the year there is always something to be done -especially checking the netting and tidying up of the plants, removing the yellowing leaves from the brassicas which provide shelter for slugs and snails. This week some of the garlic had pushed its way out of the soil so that was planted again and of course keeping the hoe going is always a good thing.

The weather has been too dreich for giving the fruit trees and bushes a winter wash – something that needs a dry and windless day but there is time yet. In previous years, the willow and hazels have been pruned and coppiced but this year they are being left until February to help shelter the plot from the winter gales.

Selection of winter veg and fruit

Unfortunately, there has been no delivery of leaves this year which we use to mulch the beds, provide leaf mould, and help protect the soil from the winter weather, but overall it has been a good, productive year on the allotment (even with all the restrictions due to Covid-19) and we are now enjoying a full range of winter vegetables. There has been success with the late planted broad bean plants and we shall have broad beans for our Christmas lunches – oh ye of little faith! The photograph of the winter veg even has a few autumn raspberries – some are still clinging on and will ripen on a sunny windowsill and some stalks of rhubarb. The oca is now ready for digging up and a new one for us to test out and the other new veg, asparagus kale, is still growing and will be useful as a late winter crop.

We shall resume on the allotment in late January for a planning meeting. Sadly, there will be no winter fruit pruning workshop in February, but we all hope for better times next year and wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas and a good New Year.

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