Tales from the allotment 17th October

 In Allotment, Blog, Veg Growing

A gentle autumnal day, the sun on our backs as we continued winding down the allotment for Winter.


We weeded inside the fruit cage and amongst the leeks, took more flowers off the strawberries and picked the last of the beans.




Hazel and bamboo supports were dismantled, and netting folded like sheets at the launderette.

Field beans and Grazing Rye Grass were sown in place of the sweetcorn and beans. Good to see one of our green manure crops finally germinating. Phacelia is winning the race, spurred on by a couple of warm days recently. In all, we’ve sown 5 types over the past month.

One of the red currants was pruned and the raspberries cut right back, as unfortunately they’ve been badly affected by raspberry rust.
In addition to the beans, we harvested more apples, leeks and the very last of the raspberries.

Jobs for next Week: continue sowing green manure as we empty more beds; weed the raspberry bed and continue weeding generally; check the apples and harvest as necessary

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