The Caley Hall main floral display at Gardening Scotland

 In Beechgrove Gardens, Gardening Scotland

Some of you might not appreciate that the Caley (Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society) not only sponsored the Floral Hall at Gardening Scotland this year but also sponsored the stunning floral display created for us by Jon Wheatley (and his merry folk) and Keith Jackson.  It is really a very special display and deserves to be seen and appreciated.Caley Floral display garden 1

Caley Floral Display 2Caley display 5Caley display 4I am sorry that it was not highlighted as the Caley sponsored floral display in Beechgrove Garden tonight.  However, if you visited the show today, or plan to do so over the weekend, you may have, or will, notice the many images that come from the Caley’s sponsorship.  (Including the hanging flower balls.)

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  • Richard Whittle

    Outrageous that BBC Scotland’s Beechgrove Garden highlighted and named commercial company displays but failed to mention that The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society (The Caley – A CHARITY!) sponsored the Floral Hall and had the largest floral display of the event. Why, BBC Scotland? Why did you do this?

  • Vohn

    Here here Richard! I was completely taken aback that The Caley wasn’t mentioned when its display was so instrumental to the backdrop of the programme.

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