The end of weeding is in sight!
A very pleasant sunny day and good to be out of doors even if the work was mainly doing weeding. It is good to see the end of the weeding is finally in sight, another week should see the whole plot finished. Most of the weeds were added to the compost heap but dandelions, couch grass and mint roots were bagged up for taking to the green waste at the recycling centre. Our small compost heap does not generate enough heat to kill these so best to remove them. The remaining vegetable beds were forked over and given a top layer of well rotted leaf mould. The bramble was given its end of season pruning taking out this year’s fruiting shoots and training in the new ones which will give fruit next year.
Jobs for next week: Finish the weeding. Add wires for additional training for the espalier apples, cherries and bramble. Start on digging up the remaining short grass paths