Allotment News – 18th October 2018

 In Allotment, Blog

Apologies for the late posting of this news – I have been on holiday.

Another day on our hands and knees weeding round the fruit and veg but all done now on the beds and green manure, mainly grazing rye, was sown on the cleared areas. This will stand up to the cold winter weather giving protection to the soil and in the early spring will be dug in at least six weeks before any sowing or planting is done.

There is still weeding to be done around the edges where green alkanet has taken over and on the wood chip paths. The last job on the plot is generally cutting back the willow and hazel grown round the edges as a windbreak. The leaves are falling off them now so come the beginning of next month we can make a start on that.

We did a late sowing of mange tout peas as an experiment and they did flower and we had a picking today – small but lovely taste.

A load of manure courtesy of Sooty the pony was spread over Tom’s show onion bed and will be left to nature and the weather to rot down.


Sorry, no photos this week!

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