Baked potatoes on the Allotment
Thursday was a chilly and overcast day but we had another bonfire to cheer us up and warm us.
Bonfires and baked potatoes go together so we had a little experiment. With a brazier we need to get it emptied before we leave so there is no time to bake the potatoes in the ash. We wrapped some very small potatoes in foil and put them underneath the can as soon as it was going, to see what would happen. We found that the upper half closer to the heat was baked but not the lower half resting on the ground. Next time we shall put the potatoes on a slate to reflect the heat and see it that helps to bake them through.
Another dwarf artichoke was dug up and a good harvest indeed from it – a shame that they come with their digestive problems!
After the hard frosts of the past week, it was interesting to see that the green manure of field beans – supposed to be hardy – was blackened by the frost in one bed though in another bed which was more sheltered, they had survived, though a little droopy.
Next week will be our last week this year and we shall resume again in the middle of January – weather permitting.
Jobs for next week
Harvesting for the Christmas meal