Blossoms and weeds.

 In Allotment, Beechgrove Gardens, Biochar trial, Saughton Park

Yet another week with no rain and low temperatures, especially during the night. In spite of this, everything on the allotment is growing well.  The turnip and beetroot seed sown a fortnight ago have germinated and only the broad beans look as if they are suffering a little from the cold weather.

The blossom is out on the apples and the Saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia) seems to have taken heart from its move. It is looking very healthy and the blossom is quite lovely.

Today the last of the main crop potatoes were planted, ‘Desiree’ and ‘Pink Fir Apple’. Two varieties of peas, ‘Oregon Sugar Pod’ and the dwarf variety ‘Twinkle’ which were started off at home, were put into the ground.  In addition, another row of each was sown in the ground to give some succession – if the mice leave them alone!

The purple sprouting broccoli is now over and the kale has started flowering. The flowering stems were cut off and we should still get a good crop of young leaves coming on over the next few weeks.

Despite the dry weather, we had to weed the broad beans and the onions and took the hoe over the other beds which are still bare.

And with no rain, the task of getting the hose out and giving everything a good soak was done once again.

Date for your diary – Open Day, Sunday 20 August, 2pm-4pm

Jobs for next week

Continue clearing the end beds
Weed the comfrey bed
Sow salad crops

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