Four weeks and counting….
A look back post on George’s social media showed how advanced George’s pots of bulbs were four years ago. Surprisingly they were much about the same stage as this year.
The temperature in the cold glasshouse this week has been as high as 28.8C and as low as 1.2C so many of the more advanced pots of daffs have been moved
These pots have been sitting in the shade of the garden shed for about ten days now and the flower buds are starting to show colour. They will remain there until nearer the show.
The pots of Scamp Challenge bulbs are a bit slow this year and have been left in the glasshouse for now. Perhaps next week they will be moved into the house to push them on a bit faster.

Left to-Right Narcissus Perdredda, Dalmeny, Bere Ferrer and Euryal
The Caley workshop Daffodils are starting to grow well
The Caley pot of Euryalas is starting to catch up with George’s pot which was lifted out the plunge about ten days earlier. Place your pot in the sunshine keep it well watered and watch it grow.

L-R Hyacinth China Pink and. Kronos. Tulip Ancilla and Greigs Happy.
The Hyacinths and Tulips have also enjoyed sitting in the sunshine this week and have had their first watering. George will water the pots and then wait until they dry out before he waters them again. You can of course sit the pots in a saucer and top up the water levels in the saucer whenever they go dry.
In the open garden George has other Daffodils coming into flower. This is the cultivar Rapture and it might just stay fresh enough to be cut and used for the show.
Only Four weeks to go now!!