George and The Caley Spring Bulbs

Lemon Silk, Jack Snipe, Stint, Surfside
Many of my daffodils are starting to bloom now, those at the allotment, in the garden and also my potted varieties so really there should be some to put into the virtual show at the beginning of April which is only about ten days away.
These are some of the Daffodils from the garden today, L-R Lemon Silk, Jack Snipe, Stint and Surfside.
The Caley pots of Hyacinths, the white Carnegie, Blue Delft Blue and Tulip Christmas Pearl are all looking OK.
The Delft Blue will only be of use for cut flower unless the twisted flower on one of the bulbs manages to straighten itself out. I hope the Tulips will be out in time. They may need a bit of a push.
The pots of Chobe River, Kiwi Orange and Viking are OK as well but there is a lot of variation in my pot of Kiwi Orange where only one of the flowers is a true double. I also think that the pot of Viking might accompany the pot of Tulip Christmas Pearl into the house for a couple of days.

Chobe River, Kiwi Orange, Viking

Hot Gossip, Latchley Meadows, Hot Gossip
Hot Gossip is well into flowering as is the pot of Latchley Meadows but again the pot of Half Magic needs to be given a hurry up.
Meanwhile the two pots of Scamp Challenge bulbs are looking good.
Now that most of the bulbs are well into flowering it is important to keep them well watered and fed especially if they are sitting in the sunshine and like mine are in black pots which absorb the heat and dry out quickly.
Good luck with all you do
Stay safe and keep gardening.