Harvesting on the Allotment

 In Allotment, Blog

Yet another day of rain, cloud and low temperatures – not good for August. With the ground so wet it was better not to do any work on the plots though the shaws of the main crop potatoes were cut down to remove the threat of blight. If the potatoes are left in ground into September with us, they begin to suffer from slug damage. The sweet corn is struggling now with the lack of sun and low temperatures after the early promise, but there is always hope.

Today was plum picking day and we harvested a good number of large luscious fruits and there are more still to come. The apples were checked over for ripeness but are not ready to come off the stalks yet although the birds seem to think they are ripe enough and some of the fruits were showing damage through the netting. After some more picking of fruit and veg and some weeding, we decided to call it a day.










Jobs for next week

  • Prune redcurrants and dwarf apple
  • Sow green manure in cleared beds
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