Last week in February update from George on his bulbs.
Not a very pleasant morning here in ‘Sunny Joppa’ today I am afraid but I am sure there are others much worse off than I am.
Some of my own pots of Daffs and Hyacinths are now in flower and although I think this is a bit early I do have photographs from 5 years ago when Hyacinths were just as advanced!
The small flowered daff on the right is ‘Mite’ and the other one is ‘Lemon Silk’
The Caley pots of bulbs have been in the cold glasshouse all week and will be given their first watering with a high potash liquid feed later this week. Overall they are looking good.
The Hyacinths and Tulips are progressing slowly and look relatively even in growth.
The ‘Delft Blue’ Hyacinths are showing colour but are still in tight bud which is good.

Hyacinth ‘Delft Blue’
Unlike my own pot of Hyacinth ‘Ann Mary’ which is well advanced.
The pots of Daffs, ‘Hot Gossip’ ‘Latchley Meadows’ and ‘Half Magic’ look OK and have straightened up and greened up well since they were sat in full light.
So too the pots of ‘Chobe River, ‘Kiwi Orange’ and ‘Viking’ and the double flowered ‘Kiwi Orange’ is pushing up its flower buds already.
More next week.