Maintenance time on the Allotment

 In Allotment, Blog

1st November 2018

Come this time of the year the sun is off most of the plot in the morning, but the weeding that needed to be done today was along the north edge of the plot, in the sun, so that was where we were. It was a slow job; the green alkanet and couch grass were well rooted – although it is strangely satisfying to pull out the long roots of the couch grass.

It is now cold enough to get the garlic planted. We are giving Scottish grown garlic a go, planting bulbs from a company in Nairn. They are being sold for eating, not planting, but are a good size so we shall see how they do.

A start too on the maintenance of the raised beds today as we began to put a new edge alongside the espalier apples.

We had a picking of sprouts, chard, parsnips, beetroot plus onions, potatoes and apples from the store.

Jobs for next week

  • Continue weeding round the edges
  • Carry on with maintenance
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