March arrives – catch up with George and compare progress

 In Bulb growing, George Anderson, Spring Show, Uncategorized

With storm Jorge rattling the windows on Sunday I decided to photograph the bulb pots in the glasshouse this week .  The temperatures in the glasshouse have swung between a high of 15C and low of 0.5C so growth has been slow and gently which is just about right given that there are 5 weeks to go before Show Day.



The pots of Hyacinths and Tulips have put on perhaps an inch (25mm) or so and their leaf colour is darker than last week.



The pots of Daffs, ‘Hot Gossip’, ‘Latchley Meadows’ and ‘Half Magic’ have all grown a little and are starting to show flower buds with some even showing above the foliage.














The pots of ‘Chobe River’, ‘Kiwi Orange’ , and ‘Viking’ are also looking good and again flower buds are showing especially the plump buds on the double flowered cultivar ‘Kiwi Orange.’




All pots have been fed and watered this week. Feeding is with a high potash liquid feed normally used for tomatoes.









My own pots of early Daffodils have been outside for three weeks now and already the first flowers on the cultivar Aberfoyle are just starting to open.

I am hoping there will be some good flowers for the Show in April.

More later

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