More purples in Colin’s Garden
We seem to be having a bit of a purple day here at The Caley and it is not just because of my own particular bias against yellow flowers!
These plants are growing in Colin’s garden and are looking particularly fine at the moment. If only I had more room in my own garden for some of these. One advantage of knowing lots of gardeners is that they are always willing to share plants.

Geranium ‘Lawhead Croft’
Colin acquired this plant at a Hardy Plant Society sale. It first occurred in Hector Riddell’s garden many years ago and he described it as genetically unstable. Colin admits that the pink can be variable.

Anthriscus sylvestris ‘Ravenswing’
Another Hardy Plant Society acquisition, this time from seed. As well as looking great in the garden, it makes an excellent cut flower. Will grow in full sun or in partial shade.

Geranium phaeum
Geranium phaeum, commonly known as the dusky crane’s bill or, even more dramatically, the black widow. Good for a shady spot.

Chaerophylum hirsutum ‘Roseum’
Pink hairy chervil, a relative of cow parsley, will grow in sun or partial shade.
Colin also has some non-purple plants. This pear tree is over 50 years old and has been extensively pruned in the past couple of years. Growing against a south facing wall, it had a crop of over 30 pears last year – fingers crossed for a good crop again this year.